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Dan Taylor


ZERO Automotive wins Carbon Neutral Adelaide Low Carbon Transport Award

Last night we attended the Carbon Neutral Adelaide Awards hosted at the Adelaide Town Hall by the City of Adelaide represented by the Lord Mayor, Sandy Verschoor, and the Department for Environment and Water represented by the Minister, David Speirs.

We heard about the imperative of continued progress in this area for the benefit of all Adelaideans, and the innovative actions being taken by many organisations to promote a carbon neutral philosophy. We are honoured to report that Dave Mitchell and ZERO Automotive won the award for Low Carbon Transport. Other winners were:
Energy – Suntrix and Allume for unlocking shared solar in apartments in the CBD.
Circular Economy – University of Adelaide for a compostable campus program and Mister Rye for a compostable straw start-up.
Low Carbon Economy – GPA Engineering for a hydrogen blending demonstration project & Io Energy for a smart start-up electricity retail model.
Business Leadership – Uniting Communities for their outstanding achievement and ambition on the path to net zero emissions.
Community leadership – Urban Ecology Australia for the leadership example of Christie Walk.

Congratulations to them and all companies that participated.

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